In light of recent news, we want you to be rest assured that LSCU is taking steps to continue protecting your personal information. If you call our Member Service Center, you may notice that we have enhanced our security procedure for verifying Members by phone.
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Catherine DeVore
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Topics: Fraud Protection, News
Sign Up for the Greenville Branch Mobile Blood Drive on November 20th
Lone Star Credit Union has teamed up with Carter Blood Care to host a community blood drive on Monday, November 20, 2017 from 1:00 - 5:00 PM (CST) at our Greenville Branch.
Topics: In the Community, News, LSCU50Years
Lone Star Credit Union (LSCU) won Best Credit Union in Terrell in the 2016 Terrell Tribune's Reader's Choice Awards. Lone Star Credit Union was voted the winner by the Tribune Readers. This is the second, consecutive year LSCU won the "Terrell's Best" title.
Topics: In the Community, News
LSCU’s Team raises more than $4,000 for Kaufman County Relay for Life
Each year, Lone Star Credit Union participates in the annual Kaufman County Relay for Life. And every year, the passion behind our team’s fundraising continues to exceed expectations.
Topics: In the Community, News
Express Accounts Now Available in the Online Application Center
Joining Lone Star Credit Union has never been easier.
With our express accounts, an online account opening platform launched on May 3rd, those in our communities will be able to apply for membership and open their new account anywhere, anytime.
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Our search for a new core system and how we found the keystone to serving our Members’ needs.
At the core of our good-business philosophy is our Members – a community of people with unique hopes, dreams, and needs. That’s why we pride ourselves on finding personalized solutions that are good for each of our Members. But with the limitations of our existing core system, we have been unable to meet the changing needs of our membership. “Today’s members expect us to be able to cater to their needs and create products and services that are not cookie cutter. So we began to look for a system that would help us get there. “ – Becky Reed, COO.
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An Environmental Achievement
Recycle Revolution awarded Lone Star Credit Union with a certificate of recognition for the success of their recycling program from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015. The program consists of recycling materials such as cardboard, plastic, aluminum, glass, and paper. A total of 785 lbs was recycled which decreased LSCU’s carbon footprint by 2,735 lbs of carbon dioxide emission.
Topics: In the Community, News
LSCU's "Help the Fight Against Cancer in One Click" to Support Kaufman County Relay for Life
This year, LSCU will participate in the Kaufman County Relay for Life event sponsored by the American Cancer Society. The event, taking place on April 24th, is a chance to remember those who have been lost, celebrate survivors, and fight back against a disease that has taken so much from many of us. Donations from the event go to cancer research and programs that help those fighting the disease with transportation to treatment, lodging accommodations, improving patients’ self-image while going through therapy, and support groups.
Topics: In the Community