This year, LSCU will participate in the Kaufman County Relay for Life event sponsored by the American Cancer Society. The event, taking place on April 24th, is a chance to remember those who have been lost, celebrate survivors, and fight back against a disease that has taken so much from many of us. Donations from the event go to cancer research and programs that help those fighting the disease with transportation to treatment, lodging accommodations, improving patients’ self-image while going through therapy, and support groups.
As a prelude to the event, LSCU will sponsor a “Help the Fight Against Cancer in one Click” promotion on Facebook. For each new person that “likes” LSCU on Facebook, we will donate one dollar ($1.00) to the Kaufman County Relay for Life. The promotion begins on Wednesday, April 1st, and ends on Friday, April 24th. It’s easy to participate, all you need to do is visit our Facebook Page and click “like”. If you’re already a fan, feel free to share with your family and friends and ask them to “like” our page. We will count the number of new “likes” we have at the end of the day on April 24th, and calculate the amount we will donate to the Kaufman County Relay for Life. Please see official rules for details.