Each year, Lone Star Credit Union participates in the annual Kaufman County Relay for Life. And every year, the passion behind our team’s fundraising continues to exceed expectations.

Our team’s initial fundraising goal for the 2016 Kaufman County Relay for Life was $1,000. The team members fundraise on their own, but the team’s overall efforts are supported by our branches with donations from Members and employees.
Some fundraising efforts have grown to have a life of their own.
Team leader and Terrell Branch Manager, Terri McCormack, has turned the traditional bake sale upside down. Her deserts have lines of customers out the door, selling out before 10:00 am some days. Alli Rodriguez, Staff Trainer, makes homemade hot sauce customized for personal tastes. From mild, to garlic, to extra hot, friends and employees scramble to ensure they get a jar before they’re gone.

These are just a couple examples of the dedication our relay team has to supporting our communities and cancer research; but our success would not have been possible without our Members generosity. Thanks to their support of our fundraising efforts, our team was able to exceed their goal, raising a total of $4,311 in donations.