A car is a big purchase. And since most people choose to pay it off over time, it is also a big commitment. It is very important to understand your finances in order to set up a healthy auto loan.
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Topics: Making a Big Purchase, Managing Your Money, Saving for the Future, advice for members
Everybody likes going on vacation but nobody likes feeling restricted financially because of it. Whether you have a few months or a few weeks to build up a little extra cash for your next vacation, here are some helpful tips for you.
Topics: Managing Your Money, Saving for the Future, advice for members, Saving Money, Holiday Advice
Deep deep down, we are all a little bit of a hoarder. We have a lot of stuff that we hold onto but do not need for any reason. Even if that is something that we did need in the past. You can turn old "junk" such as bicycles, video game consoles, clothing, and electronics into cash within a few days. But today you have more options than you did in the past. You can go old school with a garage sale, take items to a thrift store, or even sell them online.
Topics: Managing Your Money, advice for members, Saving Money