LSCU Recognizes Employees Success in 2019

Posted by Lone Star CU on 03/04/20

The annual LSCU Crew Day, themed “Bonding Together”, was held on February 17, 2020.  Becky Reed, CEO, announced the winners of LSCU’s Annual Employee Recognition Awards including Branch of the Year and Employee of the Year.

2019 Branch of the Year - Dallas

The Branch of the Year award was presented to the Dallas branch which not only met, but exceeded their annual production goals in 2019. Achieving 112% of their goals, Dallas branch employees were recognized for their excellence in educating our Members on an array of products and services and the importance of loan protection. 

The Dallas Branch team includes Angel Escobedo, Amy Gonzalez, Jahaida Perez, and Miguel Duran.

Branch of the Year - Dallas


2019 Employee of the Year

Nominated by fellow LSCU employees, this award is presented to a non-management employee who has exemplified the qualities of LSCU’s service standards – our Elements of Good. The 2019 Employee of the Year was awarded to our Human Resources & Facilities Coordinator, Meghan Miller.

Meghan - Employee of the Year

Meghan was nominated for living out all of LSCU’s Elements of Good and being a good role model for new and existing employees. Through her role on LSCU’s Culture Club, she helps to ensure employees are happy and feel appreciated. She goes above the call of duty in taking care of the LSCU buildings, often having to handle dirty jobs. Meghan played an important role in the 2019 debit and credit card conversion projects, even getting up at 4:30 am to go out and test the new cards to ensure the cards were ready for our Members to use. One employee summed it up by saying, “Her willingness, ability, and good attitude shines bright.”

On behalf of the Lone Star Credit Union team, congratulations to all our 2019 award recipients!