Becky Reed, CEO, announced the winners of LSCU's Annual Employee Service Awards at the LSCU Day of Empowerment held on January 21, 2019. The annual service awards given were Branch of the Year and Employee of the Year. We are excited to recognize this year's recipients for their success in the 2018 business year.
2018 Branch of the Year - Terrell
Our Terrell Branch employees (pictured above) not only met, but exceeded their annual production goals and community service goal. Overall, they achieved 121% of the goals for 2018. The Terrell branch also was recognized for their excellence in assisting Members with loan protection.
2018 Employee of the Year
The LSCU Employee of the Year is nominated by management and employees select the winner by vote . This year the nominees were dead-locked in a tie vote and the Employee of the Year award was given to two recipients - Cruz Gomez and Rosie Villegas (pictured below).

Cruz Gomez
Cruz Gomez, Information Systems Specialist, was nominated for his professionalism, trustworthiness, and dependability. The positive attitude that Cruz has towards his work, co-workers, and vendors is visible in every interaction. His vast knowledge of not only his position, but the credit union as a whole, is one quality that allows him to be valuable in answering questions and empowers him to understand how information systems affects the rest of the credit union.
Rosie Villegas
Rosie Villegas, Financial Service Officer at our Terrell branch, was nominated for her big heart and genuine regard for others. She is excellent at building relationships and identifying when and where she can best provide assistance. Members know they can trust Rosie when it comes to their finances and buying needs. Her service is what keeps them coming back to the Terrell branch, even if it means waiting an hour to see her, and referring their family and friends. Rosie went with a Member to car dealership on a Saturday to assist him with renegotiating a deal that she knew wasn't in the Member's best interest. She is also known for researching vehicles online and disputing prices with dealers or finding a fairer deal at another dealership for her Members.
On behalf of Lone Star Credit Union, Congratulations to all our 2018 award recipients.