Are you looking to get your budget and finances in order before the holidays? While it may seem like an overwhelming task, financial wellness is well within your reach! Lone Star Credit Union Financial Independence Training (FIT) will help alleviate some of the stresses of financial budgeting as well as create a plan of action to help take control of your finances.
What is the FIT Program?
The Financial Independence Training (FIT) program assists members to better manage their finances and lead them to financial stability and wellness. The FIT program is a free service offered to Lone Star Credit Union Members and employees of LSCU business partners. The FIT program focuses on the following goals:
- -Attain a reachable financial target
- -Develop proactive financial habits
- -Create a plan of action to reduce debt
Just like physical fitness, the hardest part is getting started and staying consistent. Let an LSCU Personal Finance Coach help you create a plan to tone your debt, strengthen your savings, and get your finances into top-shape.
Who are the FIT Coaches?
Lone Star Credit Union’s highly-trained FIT Coaches are Certified Credit Union Financial Counselors (CCUFC) by the Credit Union National Association. Each FIT Coach tailors a unique financial plan on a case by case basis to achieve the Member’s goals.
How do I get FIT?
Schedule a coaching session today! Send an appointment request online, give us a call at 214.327.9367 or stop by any branch. If you’re not already a Member of Lone Star Credit Union, join today!
Remember, the first step to financial wellness is getting started. Stay in touch and up to date with Lone Star Credit Union on our Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages!