We all know that mental health is extremely important, but sometimes we can forget that financial health is important too. While a little splurge here or a vacation there isn't going to hurt, constant unnecessary purchases will hinder your financial health in the long run.

Start saving now:
It is often said that it is NEVER too early to start putting money towards retirement, but it's also never too late! While saving earlier may give you a bigger amount in the long run, something is better than nothing in this scenario. In order to reach your financial goals, starting sooner means you put less money towards that goal every month. You can have the same goal and start later, but to reach it in time you will need to set aside a larger amount.
Create an emergency fund:
You never know when disaster is going to strike! Whether that's a medical bill, a vet bill, your water heater stops working, or you have a leak in your roof. You always want to have some extra cash set aside for these purposes in order to keep your financial health in check.
Be able to identify needs vs wants:
This is important in any person's budget, no matter how much they make. Overspending on items they don't need is a very natural human trait. Needs include food, clothing, shelter, and health. Wants are basically everything else, but some items are obviously more important than others. for details on how to curb impulse purchases, check out this blog.
Analyze your spending:
Nobody enjoys doing this, but take a close look at your spending from the past month or so. See where you might be spending a little too much of your money. Whether it's fast food, clothing, Amazon, or coffee. See if you can cut down on any little expenses that add up in the long run.